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七年级下册英语听力在线听 人教版第六单元第八单元

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七年级下册英语听力在线听 人教版第六单元第八单元









UNIT 6 I’m watching TV.

Section A1b

Listen.What are these people doing? Write the numbers from 1a.

Hello, Jenny!

Hi, Bob.

Jenny, what are you doing?

I’m watching TV.

Do you want to play tennis?

No, this TV show is interesting. What’sJohn doing?

He’s washing the dishes.

Well, what are Dave and Mary doing?

They’re listening to a CD.

Section A2a

Listenand match the answers with the questions.

Hello, Steve.

Hi, Jack.

What are you doing, Steve?

I’m watching TV. What about you?

I’m listening to a CD, but it’s kind ofboring.

Yeah, my TV show is also not veryinteresting. Do you want to go to the movies?

That sounds good.

Section A2b

Listenagain. Fill in the blanks.

Hello, Steve.

Hi, Jack.

What are you doing, Steve?

I’m watching TV. What about you?

I’m listening to a CD, but it’s kind ofboring.

Yeah, my TV show is also not veryinteresting. Do you want to go to the movies?

That sounds good.

Section A2d

Role-playthe conversation.

Jenny: Hello? This is Jenny.

Laura: Hi, jenny. It’s Laura here.

Jenny: Oh, hi, Laura. What are you doing?

Laura: Not much. I’m just washing myclothes. What about you?

Jenny: I’m watching TV. Do you want to joinme for dinner? My parents aren’t at home. We can eat out.

Laura: Yeah. I’d love to.

Jenny: Let’s meet at my home first. Come athalf past six.

Laura: OK. See you then.

Section B1c

Listenand complete the chart.

Conversation 1

Hello. Is Alice there?

No, she isn’t. She’s at the supermarket.

Oh, is she shopping?

Yes, she is. She’s buying milk and bread.

Conversation 2

Hello. Is Mike there?

Sorry, he’s still at school.

Oh. Umm, is he doing his homework?

No, he isn’t. He’s playing basketball.

Conversation 3


No, this is her sister, Julie.

Oh. Is Lisa there?

No , she isn’t. She’s at the library.

Oh. Is she reading?

Yes, she is.


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